I have the following data:
ID, Date, Person
1, 01/01/2012, Bob
2, 02/01/2012, Bob
3, 03/01/2012, Bob
4, 04/01/2012, Bob
5, 01/01/2012, John
6, 02/01/2012, John
7, 03/01/2012, Michael
8, 04/01/2012, Michael
9, 05/01/2012, Michael
10, 06/01/2012, Michael
11, 07/01/2012, Michael
12, 01/01/2012, Peter
13, 06/01/2012, Peter
14, 07/01/2012, Karl
15, 01/01/2012, Bob
I would like to know how many Person are called, by number of calls.
With a chart, I can use a calculated dimension
=aggr(count(distinct ID), Person)
and the expression
count(distinct Person)
concat(distinct Person, ‘, ‘)
Now, I would like to make a text area that gives me the number of person who are called a specific number of time.
« 1 pers. (Karl) called only 1 time ».
« 2 pers. (Bob, Michael) called more than 3 times »
(bold is the result of an expression)
I want this text area to be updated when I change my selection of « Date ».
Will result:
« 2 pers. (Michael, Peter) called only 1 time ».
« 1 pers. (Bob) called more than 3 times »
In SQL, I guess I can do it with a « HAVING » key word.
Writing the post made me find the solution!
count({$ <Person={« =count(distinct ID) = 1 »}>} distinct Person) & ‘ ‘ & concat({$ <Person={« =count(distinct ID) = 1 »}>} distinct Person, ‘, ‘)
count({$ <Person={« =count(distinct ID) > 3 »}>} distinct Person) & ‘ ‘ & concat({$ <Person={« =count(distinct ID) > 3 »}>} distinct Person, ‘, ‘)