Comment obtenir une vue calendrier ?


Last week a customer asked me for a simple –but quite friendly– visualization for the daily sales. These guys are in the fast food business, and their operational supervisors (one on each restaurant across the country) needed a general overview of the daily behavior of the sales, orders and average ticket. My first draft was a straight table with the main KPIs compared to the last year accompanied by this chart:13.14

The blue line represents the current year while the gray one embodies the last one. As you can see, their sales are extremely predictable: slow weekdays and busy weekends. Sadly, they didn’t feel comfortable with it. They could compare a Thursday with its contiguous days (Wednesday and Friday), but it was hard to compare it with other Thursdays.

The answer was clear; they needed a Cross Table that involved the weekday. However, when I created the object, I realized it was hard to read. In the end, I came up with this:


Quite simple, but it covered the operational needs. Here’s how to do it. As always, you can download the QVW file here.


1.- First of all, let’s create some fields in the script:


2.- Before starting, be sure to select only one Month-Year (Our visualization won’t work otherwise). Create a Straight Table and use Week as dimension.

3.- In this object, we are going to create two expressions for every day of the week: “Day” and “Sales”. We will start with “Day” column for Mondays:


Use ‘M’ as label and select No Totals in the Total Mode.


Open the menu in this expression to change its Background Color and Text Format:



4.- Create a new expression for the sales amount:


Use a space as label (just to hide the expression definition). Don’t forget to choose the Money format in the Numbers tab.

Your table should look like this:


5.- Copy and paste these columns 6 times and change the filter in the Set Analysis clause to visualize the corresponding day.

6.- Now let’s create the “Week Total” column by creating this expression:


And its corresponding sales amount:


After these steps, the structure should be ready. However, we still need to make some visual adjustments.


7.- In the Presentation tab:

  • Center the labels for every column
  • Select the Week dimension and hide it
  • Totals on last row
  • Wrap header and cell text (2 lines)


If you want to get rid of the zeros, you can use an IF statement like this:


If anyone has a better way to do this, please share! I feel like it’s a little dirty to use these kind of expressions ?

8.- Voilà, our calendar view is ready.


You can complement it with a Calculation Condition, a friendly error message or the Always One Selected Value option in the MonthName field.

If you have any comments or suggestions remember to post them in the section below!


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