Comment extraire les images d’une application qlikview ?


Extracting embedded images from QlikView

By Barry Harmsen

ImageExtractor for QlikView

ImageExtractor for QlikView

ImageExtractor is a small utility that extracts images from your QlikView applications and stores them as bitmaps. It also gives you a browser that tells you which images are used in which QlikView application.

Example use cases

  • Extracting images for migration to Qlik Sense: I often run across QlikView applications that have embedded images, where the original images have gone missing. Between QlikView applications this is not really an issue, you can just copy and paste. When migrating QV applications to Sense however, it quickly becomes a hassle to copy and paste everything using the snipping tool. ImageExtractor extracts all images in a single pass. The images are extracted in their original resolution (which is not necessarily the resolution that they’re displayed at in QlikView).
  • Ensuring compliance within your environment: You can run ImageExtractor against folders and subfolders as well, which lets you extract all images used within all applications with a single action. ImageExtractor uses the prj-folders, so runs relatively quickly even in larger environments. Using the Image Browser, you can quickly scan the images to see if any images do not meet your organization standards (for example, applications using an old version of a logo.


What doesn’t it do?

Images that are embedded within an application using BUNDLE LOAD are currently not extracted. Images that are embedded using the “Image” representation with a link to a local or web file are also not currently extracted.


Download ImageExtractor

ImageExtractor can be downloaded using the link below. I hope you will find it useful!

Download ImageExtractor


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